Evaluate the referee...

Giving constructive feedback about referees can be very helpful.  However, please try to be constructive, specific, and ultimately RESPECTFUL.  Being a referee is extremely difficult, and the job is made more difficult because most spectators are rooting for only one side.  This inherent bias really does skew our perspective as spectators, whether we think so or not.  So give the refs the benefit of the doubt.  They are a crucial part of our youth soccer program.  Overall, they do a very good job, and they are learning and growing as officials, just as our players are growing and our coaches are growing.

Your evaluations will be sent to the referee assignors for feedback, follow-up, and continuing education of our officials.  Thanks!

You get two choices from here:

1) The referees are assigned from the local Quad-County Soccer Referee Association.  This evaluation must be completed within 15 days of the match.  Write a QCSRA evaluation.

2) For U11 and older games, the referees work for the TCYSA League.  Write a TCYSA evaluation.